Gold Award Girl Scout — Ava Ward

Gold Award Girl Scout — Ava Ward

Environmental Sustainability with a Pollination Garden

What Ava Did

For her Gold Award project, Ava was interested in developing a project that would encourage environmental sustainability educate and about the impact of global warming.

Ava united her entire community, including her neighbor, troop, and friends and family, to create and maintain a pollination garden at the Oakland Schools Technical Campus.

She researched native pollinator plants and created an educational website explaining the steps involved in creating a helpful garden. Staff and students can use it as a resource as they continue maintaining and expanding the garden.

Deep-Rooted Belief

Pollination gardens do so much for the health of the planet and inhabitants, Ava discovered. She firmly believes planting gardens are essential in reversing global warming destruction.

“We have not been taking care of our earth as much as we should,” she said. “Just a little step like adding a pollination garden in a backyard, or on a school lot, is a step towards progress.”

Ava hopes her Take Action project encourages more people to plant their own pollination gardens. She also hopes it advances discussion about global warming.

What She Learned

Achieving the Gold Award taught Ava about leadership and determination. She learned about taking a step forward for something you genuinely believe in and not giving up when the task becomes difficult.

Her new motto is “Don’t just step back and watch others. Lead!”

Ava currently attends Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI. She was a member of Troop 75239.

Find Out More

Check out Ava on the GSSEM YouTube channel talking about her Take Action project and being a 2024 Gold Awards Girl Scout.

Congratulations, Ava!

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
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