Volunteer Spotlight: Denise Raich

Denise Raich, Volunteer Spotlight

Volunteer Spotlight: Denise Raich

Volunteer Denise Raich loves her Girl Scout journey that began when she herself was a Brownie. After being a part of her daughter’s Girl Scouting experience, culminating in a Gold Award in 2020, she knew she wasn’t ready to stop volunteering. The adventures continue as she shares her dedication and knowledge with a younger generation.

A Girl Scout through and through, Denise took matters into her own hands when she discovered there wasn’t a Daisy troop for her daughter to join.

Undaunted, she enrolled her in the school Brownie troop and offered to volunteer with them. It wasn’t long before Denise became co-leader of Troop 41135. The next year, she became a leader and was a part of her daughter’s troop until her high school graduation.

Yet, Denise wasn’t ready to end the fun and adventure being a part of a troop offers. When the daughter of a close friend became a Girl Scout, she offered to co-lead Troop 41167.

“I want to help instill Girl Scout traditions and get back to the root of Girl Scouting. I want our girls to learn basic skills to help them in the real world like camping and cooking outdoors.” – Denise R.

Thank you, Denise, for being such a strong supporter and super volunteer for GSSEM!

Do you know a volunteer who’s gone above and beyond?

Nominate them to be featured on GSSEM’s Volunteer Spotlight at www.gssem.org/volspotlight!

Tags: volunteer, volunteer spotlight

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
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