Volunteer Spotlight: Diane Deitering


Volunteer Spotlight: Diane Deitering

Everyone, meet Diane Deitering.

Diane is a longtime Troop Leader with GSSEM. She became a “troop mom” many years ago and led them all the way through high school. You’d think that’d be the end for her, right? Nope! She now has a new troop of Daisies (Troop 70218) and is also the delegate for her service unit.

Diane chose to be a delegate because of her interest in keeping up with all things GSSEM, and Girl Scouting as a whole. This will be her third year in that position.

If you’re thinking about starting your own troop, Diane offers this piece of advice:

Girl Scouts has so much to offer. I’d say just follow your instincts and have fun with the girls in your troop. They join because they are excited to do something new. I have a Daisy troop this year and I love seeing how excited they get when we learn a new song, play games and when we earn a badge and go on a field trip. Go with the flow and do what you think the girls like. They’ll appreciate your time and the different things you do with them. The rewards are so worth it.

From everyone at GSSEM: Thank you, Diane for all you do!

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
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