Volunteer Spotlight: Melinda Holmes

Volunteer Spotlight: Melinda Holmes

This super trooper deftly handles two troops at once. 

When Melinda Holmes decides to do something, she really puts her all into it. 

Take, for example, her wish to have both her daughters involved in Girl Scouts and her desire to be a positive influence in their lives as much as possible. As a Girl Scout herself, Melinda wanted her daughters to experience the fun, learning, adventure, and friendship that comes from being a part of Girl Scouts. 

Melinda recognized it takes dedicated adult volunteers to have that happen which prompted her to become not just a troop leader for oldest daughter’s Junior troop, but to also volunteer with her youngest’s Daisy troop. The two troops are out of two different schools. 

Melinda cherishes the time she has with her daughters, and the other girls, when they explore museums, go camping or even getting organized for Cookie Sales, 

“I love watching the girls create friendships, make memories and  have new experiences. I also enjoy the places we visit together, too!”

Melinda has big plans for her troops. She plans to get the Daisy troop engaged with a variety of activities as well as adventures at Camporee and Camp Indy Jo. She is hoping to have her Junior troop participate in World Thinking Day

“I questioned whether I could balance it with being a working parent and my daughters’ other activities. It is a challenge sometimes, but always rewarding,” said Melinda. 

It’s a great feeling to know you had a hand in creating positive experiences & lasting memories in girls’ lives.

Melinda Holmes

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
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