Volunteer Spotlight: Morgan Marshall

Volunteer Spotlight: Morgan Marshall

Volunteer Spotlight: Morgan Marshall

For the past several years, Morgan Marshall has been a dedicated Girl Scout mom turned Troop Leader, helping guide Troop 75910 from Daisies to Juniors. This month, we (virtually) sat down with her to pick her brain and see how her troop has adjusted to the “new normal.”

GSSEM: What made you begin your journey as a Troop Leader?             

Morgan: Well, I made the decision to step up as a leader when our old leader was stepping down so my girl wouldn’t have to find a new troop. I’ve loved it ever since.

GSSEM: What’s your favorite part about being a Troop Leader?

Morgan: My favorite part about being a leader is watching these girls grow. We’ve been together since they were Daisies and now they’re Juniors. It’s amazing how far these young ladies are coming along; not to mention watching the companionship they’re building among each other.

GSSEM: What current goals do you have for your troop?

Morgan: Our current goals are simple: Try to get as many badges done as possible, while keeping the Girl Scout spirit alive. The current climate we’re in has certainly changed how we do things, but they need this organization now more than ever .

GSSEM: What’s your favorite memory of being a Girl Scout volunteer so far?

Morgan: It’s so hard to pick ONE favorite Girl Scout moment. I would have to go with our last sleepover at the Flint Planetarium. It was amazing. Everyone loved it so much! If you didn’t now, the planetarium actually has Girl Scout camps and it was very exciting! The guides showed us things like the different telescopes and the different phases of the moon. There were also hands-on activities and a 45 minute show for the girls to enjoy. The best part, however, was getting to sleep inside the planetarium. My troop absolutely loved it.

GSSEM: What words of encouragement would you like to share with aspiring troop leaders?      

Morgan: Leading a troop is hard work, and when you begin, it can seem very overwhelming at first. Please please please take all the trainings you need. Be open-minded, make new friends among other leaders, and don’t be afraid to ask for help. Joining the many Girl Scout community forums on Facebook has helped me a ton over the years. As the girls get older, it becomes more easier as the girls take the wheel. Most importantly, remember to listen to your girls as it is girl led.

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
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