Girl Scouts at Home: Life Skills


Girl Scouts at Home: Life Skills

Girl Scout badges, beginning with Civic Engagement and expanding to Healthy Living, Communication Skills, Practical Skills, and Global Citizenship, form the foundation of activities that help girls grow as Girl Scouts.

Girls gain the skills and the inspiration to accept challenges, overcome obstacles, and take the lead by exercising and staying healthy, developing strong relationships with family and peers, advocating on behalf of others, protecting our environment, and exploring careers that can truly change the world for the better.

Here are a few things that you can do at home.

The activities below have been adapted from existing Girl Scout programming and optimized for use at home during a period of social distancing.

Brownie Best Self—Step 1

Purpose: It’s important to get to know our body and what it needs. With our current pandemic, girls may struggle expressing themselves.

Materials needed: Chalk. Get some at the store or make your own at home!

  • Using two muffin tins. Take 1 ½ cups cornstarch and 1 ½ cups water, mix it up and divide into muffin tins,. Add 2 to 3 drops of food coloring to each cup and stir.  Let harden and then pop them out and use.

Activity: With the help of a parent go outside and draw and outline of your body on the sidewalk with chalk. Add the details and talk about how you are feeling. Happy, sad, nervous, frightened, excited.

Junior Staying Fit—Step 3

Purpose: During trying times when our routines have changed, you almost always feel better when you get your feelings out.

Materials needed: Paper, markers/crayons, container

Activity: Create a time capsule. We are making history and can look back at this time period and discover what how we handled it, how our lives changed, and how we felt. You can choose to use this one or start with your own.

Cadette: Eating for Beauty—Step 1

Purpose: Knowing how eating a variety of foods leads to good nutrition and keeping our body healthy.

Materials needed: Access to your pantry/refrigerator. Pen, pencil, paper. Optional download and print cards.

Activity: Fruit and vegetable scavenger hunt. Find 4 green items, 3 red/purple, 2 yellow, 1 brown, 1 shiny, and 1 smooth.  Or play fruit and vegetable bingo with your family. Right now you might not  have access to all of these fresh foods. Talk about what fruit and vegetables you might want to add to the shopping list in the future. Discover a new recipe using multiple of these items.

Head here to explore more Life Skills badge activities you can print out and do at home.

These Life Skills badge activities* you can print out and do at home:

*All badges may not be available until late summer/early fall.

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
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