Volunteer Spotlight: Jessica Owens-Mawson

Volunteer Spotlight: Jessica Owens-Mawson

Volunteer Spotlight: Jessica Owens-Mawson

Jessica Owens-Mawson is the “troop mom” behind Troop 76837. As a former Girl Scout herself, she’s committed to seeing her girls grow and become leaders in the community. In addition to being a troop mom, Jessica is also the Girl Scout School Liaison and on the Outdoor Education committee. A true go-getter!

Jessica loved Girl Scouting so much as a young girl, that when her own daughter showed interested in joining Girl Scouts, she signed on as a leader to start the troop. She loves getting to watch the girls try new endeavors and surprise themselves when they go on to achieve them. According to Jessica, being a troop leader goes beyond earning badges and going to events; it’s a wonderful chance as mentors to provide opportunities for girls to challenge themselves in a way they might not do so with a parent.

With her being on the Outdoor Education committee, it’s no surprise her favorite memory is the time she and her troop had a backyard tent campout. She says getting to see the girls working together on setting up and taking care of the campsite, having fun with their newly christened camp names, and playing under the stars was an incredible night of memories. Something none of them will ever forget.

As she learns and grows with her troop, Jessica has an ultimate goal of seeing the girls learn the power of their voice and how to advocate for themselves. They’re working towards this by encouraging and focusing on their input as part of making the troop “girl-led.”

Need advice from a troop leader?:

“The key to success as a troop leader is in being a part of the Girl Scout community. Leading can sometimes be challenging and frustrating, but being a part of that circle of other leaders to discuss ideas, vent challenges, or celebrate the wins (no matter how big or how small) makes it all possible.”

Thank you, Jessica!

Do you know a volunteer who’s gone above and beyond? Nominate them to be featured on GSSEM’s Volunteer Spotlight at www.gssem.org/volspotlight!

Girl Scouting builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
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